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If you have a PFX file that contains a private key with a password, you can use OpenSSL to extract the private key without a password into a separate file, or create a new PFX file without a password....
The OpenSSH SFTP server bundled with Windows can have the default remote connection folder changed by following these instructions....
I recently attempted to execute a Bash script in Terminal on my Mac but received an error message: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted It turns out that this is often due to the ...
When using the macOS to connect to network file shares that do not support extended attributes, such as Samba on Linux, the Mac instead creates files prefixed with a dot-underscore ._ to hold that metadata. Read on to learn how to block these files from Samba on Linux....
One of the annoying default settings in Windows 10 is that it will automatically log off idle Remote Desktop sessions (RDS) after a period of inactivity. Luckily, there are a few Group Policy settings...
Sometimes after upgrading the version of Intelli-J that I'm using for development, when I try to run the command-line `grails` program, I receive the following error message: Error occurred runni...
I recently changed the user account that my SQL Server instance was running under from "sql.user" to "sql.user2". When I attempted to have my application server connect via integrated Windows Authenti...
It's often useful when debugging a Grails application to be able to see the exact SQL that is being executed in the database. If you're using GORM, you can modify your /grails-app/conf/application.y...
Instructions are provided to install Java (OpenJDK) on an Ubuntu Linux installation....
I am currently in the process of migrating my company's SQL Server replication strategy from Log Shipping to Always On Availability Groups. This involved the addition of several new VMs to my producti...